Alla Naumova is a wellness expert and the founder of the “Your Wellness Muse” project, specializing in a holistic approach to health and well-being. She is a nutritionist, fitness methodologist, and brain coach, dedicated to improving physical, mental, and intellectual health.
She is an active member of the National Society of Dietitians of Russia and a member of the Health and Sciences Academy of the UK (THSA), where she serves as a regular judge for the Green Awards. Alla Naumova is an internationally recognized speaker on health and well-being and the author of the international wellness journal, “THE FIVE TRANSFORMATIONS JOURNAL.”
Many successful individuals, media personalities, and millions of readers of leading magazines such as Marie Claire, Elle, Psychologies, L’Officiel, Yoga Journal, Vegetarian, Organic Woman, and others trust Alla Naumova’s advice.
Success is not the result of luck or hard work, but the result of a systematic approach. Drawing on her extensive experience and expertise in various fields such as nutrition, anti-aging correction, sports, mental health, the development of intellectual abilities, and spiritual practices, Alla Naumova has developed her own unique system known as “The Five Transformations System.”
“The Five Transformations System” represents a sequential path of transformation, covering five main aspects of existence:

Body: Provides harmony and strength.
Society: Forms quality relationships with the surrounding world.
Mental Health: Helps achieve inner peace and confidence.
Intellectual Development: Enhances thinking and creativity.
Spiritual Element: Leads to a deep understanding of one’s purpose and inner harmony.
These five transformations form the basis of a methodology capable of completely changing your life, ensuring harmony and success in all areas of existence.

Diplomas and Certificates
- European University of Law (EUP), Bachelor’s Degree in Economics;
- International Academy of Science San Marino, Bachelor’s Degree in Economics;
- Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia, Master’s Degree in Economics;
- Russian State Social University, Nutrition;
- Stanford University, USA, Nutrition Science;
- Yaroslavl College of Food Industry, Russia, Current Issues in Nutrition;
- Neuronics Academy, Russia, Specialist in Development of Intellectual Abilities, Brain Coach;
- The Health Sciences Academy, UK, Nutrition and Mental Health;
- The Health Sciences Academy, UK, Advanced Sports and Exercise Nutritional Advisor;
- The Health Sciences Academy, UK, Visual and Taste Preferences in Nutrition;
- The Health Sciences Academy, UK, Brain and Food Preferences;
- The Health Sciences Academy, UK, Overweight and Chronotype;
- The Health Sciences Academy, UK, Nutrition and Peak Intellectual Activity;
- The Health Sciences Academy, UK, Sugar Craving;
- The Health Sciences Academy, UK, Microbiome and Brain Connection;
- The Health Sciences Academy, UK, Advanced Fertility Nutritional Advisor;
- The Health Sciences Academy, UK, Menopause Health;
- The Health Sciences Academy, UK, Advanced Stress Management Advisor;
- The Health Sciences Academy, UK, Reducing Chronic Inflammation with Nutrition;
- The Health Sciences Academy, UK, Advanced Sleep Management Advisor;
- The Health Sciences Academy, UK, Ketosis and Brain Performance;
- The Health Sciences Academy, UK, The Art of Happiness with Nutrition;
- The Health Sciences Academy, UK, Sleep Nutrition;
- European University of Longevity (European University of Longevity, UK), Nutritional Science;
- National Academy of Additional Education, Russia, Fitness Methodologist.