Here we want to share effective ways to improve your mood and well-being.
Kickstarting Renewal
Acclimate your body to natural sources of dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin, and endorphins. Start your day with a contrast shower, exercise, and minimize stress in the evening with meditative music, nature sounds, or breathing exercises. Reduce intake of coffee, alcohol, and junk food. Spring is the best time for detox and renewal: try saunas, spas, massages, relaxing salt baths, and cryo-saunas (extremely low temperatures are great for rebooting your body in just a few minutes).
Boosting Energy
Top vitamins are Vitamin A, C, B vitamins, Vitamin D, Zinc, and Vitamin E. Focus on foods like fatty fish (herring, salmon, mackerel, cod liver, and tuna), leafy green vegetables, carrots and pumpkins, salads, all types of cabbage (including sauerkraut), grains (barley, buckwheat, bulgur, oatmeal), multigrain bread, and pasta made from hard wheat, organ meats (liver, kidneys), bananas, citrus fruits, cranberries, rose hips, and cold-pressed oils (flaxseed, vegetable, olive, pumpkin, and avocado oils).
These foods will help boost your energy levels and improve your mood, while also reducing morning brain fog. Another important element is protein. The amount and quality of protein you consume will affect your immunity and the absorption of other nutrients. About half of your protein intake should be plant-based (tofu, soy, legumes, seaweed, nuts, and seeds).
Activating Superhero Mode
Try the “alarm clock” technique to remind your brain of the state you want your body to be in. This technique is like a video game where you choose a character you want to embody for a few hours, and the alarm simply reminds you that it’s time to switch to your new hero.
For example, be the “super boss” in the morning who is extremely efficient at work, doesn’t waste time on social media, and completes all tasks planned the day before. In the evening, become the “super mom” who happily spends time with the kids reading books, taking walks in the park, or playing board games. You can have as many characters as you need, and the more detailed your visualization, the easier it will be to switch between your “alarms.”
We want to share effective ways to improve your mood and well-being during the spring season.
Kickstarting Renewal
Acclimate your body to natural sources of dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin, and endorphins. Start your day with a contrast shower, exercise, and minimize stress in the evening with meditative music, nature sounds, or breathing exercises. Reduce your intake of coffee, alcohol, and junk food. Spring is the best time for detox and renewal: try saunas, spas, massages, relaxing salt baths, and cryo-saunas (extremely low temperatures are great for rebooting your body in just a few minutes).
Boosting Energy
Top vitamins for spring are Vitamin A, C, B vitamins, Vitamin D, Zinc, and Vitamin E. Focus on foods like fatty fish (herring, salmon, mackerel, cod liver, and tuna), leafy green vegetables, carrots and pumpkins, salads, all types of cabbage (including sauerkraut), grains (barley, buckwheat, bulgur, oatmeal), multigrain bread, and pasta made from hard wheat, organ meats (liver, kidneys), bananas, citrus fruits, cranberries, rose hips, and cold-pressed oils (flaxseed, vegetable, olive, pumpkin, and avocado oils).
These foods will help boost your energy levels and improve your mood, while also reducing morning brain fog. Another important element is protein. The amount and quality of protein you consume will affect your immunity and the absorption of other nutrients. About half of your protein intake should be plant-based (tofu, soy, legumes, seaweed, nuts, and seeds).
Activating Superhero Mode
Try the “alarm clock” technique to remind your brain of the state you want your body to be in. This technique is like a video game where you choose a character you want to embody for a few hours, and the alarm simply reminds you that it’s time to switch to your new hero.
For example, be the “super boss” in the morning who is extremely efficient at work, doesn’t waste time on social media, and completes all tasks planned the day before. In the evening, become the “super mom” who happily spends time with the kids reading books, taking walks in the park, or playing board games. You can have as many characters as you need, and the more detailed your visualization, the easier it will be to switch between your “alarms.”